School Fieldtrips

Call the Nature and History Center (831)427-2288 for more information.


Our exploratory day at Rancho del Oso takes your students on a journey through a number of distinct habitats at the coastal end of Big Basin Redwoods State Park. We will compare and contrast different ecosystems firsthand through plant and animal observations and inquiry.

The day includes exploring our Nature & History Center’s displays, along with moderate hiking of up to three miles. The program can be tailored to your group’s grade level and curriculum. The program works best with groups of 10 – 24. However, we may be able to accommodate larger groups by dividing the class for different activities.

These field trips include many areas of life, earth and physical science that align with the Next Generation Science Standards, including                     (but not limited to): MS-PS1-3, MS-LS1-1, 5, 6, MS-LS2-1,4, MS-LS2-2, and MS-ESS3-3

Components of the program can include:

  • Introduction: Overview of the agenda. Introduction to the themes of the day.
  • Waddell Creek Watershed: Students are introduced to the creation of Big Basin Redwoods State Park and the topographical features that create our diverse ecosystems.
  • Observation: Various topics can be covered at Waddell Beach or on a hike on the inland side of the park. Ecosystems include Coastal Strand, Coastal Bluff, Monterey Pine, Riparian, and Marsh habitats, with a broad array of plant, animal, and bird species.
  • Lunch: School groups can eat on our picnic tables overlooking beautiful Waddell Beach.
  • Conclusion: Summary and farewells.

Holy Cross School field trip


Groups bring lunch from home or school. Restrooms and water are on site. Groups are welcome to arrive early and eat a snack or use restrooms. The museum, grounds and restroom facilities are wheelchair accessible. We will gladly accommodate your group in the Park Store if you wish. (Proceeds from Park Store sales support educational programs such as this one.) Most of our day is spent outdoors. Students should dress in layers.

Other Programs:
If this program does not fit your needs, we may be able to modify the program.
Please contact us online or call us with any questions at (831) 427-2288.